Price for the services from models from the Ladies in Red agency
The price for the services from models and VIP girls from the Ladies in Red agency starts at $950 and depends entirely on the chosen model (or several models), as well as the duration and theme of the event where their presence will be required.
- 1 hour - starts at $190
- 2 hours - starts at $339
- 3 hours - starts at $449
- 12 hours - starts at $749
- 24 hours - starts at $950
Discounts and bonuses are provided for an order of 3 days or more.
Price for various agency services
- VIP escort - price starts at $950
- Elite dating - price starts at $900
- Dating with Kept Women - price starts at $999
- Elite leisure - price starts at $1000
- Party - price starts at $1149
- Organization of a VIP event - price starts at $2000
- Organization of the New Year - price starts at $1499
- Travels - price starts at $1210
- Invite an model - price starts at $1100
- Dubai - price starts at $1350
- London - price starts at $1260
- Antalya - price starts at $1110
- Sochi - price starts at $1125
Discounts are provided for regular clients.